Welcome to Natasha Young Kinesiology

You are worthy of love.
You are worthy of self-love.
You are worthy of feeling calm and at peace.
You are worthy of feeling joy.
You are worthy of feeling unburdened and free.
You are worthy of belonging and acceptance.
You are worthy of being seen and heard and expressing yourself fully.
You are worthy of feeling proud of yourself.
You are worthy of feeling confident and standing in your own power.
You are worthy of everything you desire.
You are worthy of living the life you dream of and more.
You don’t need to do or be anything to be worthy of any of this. You were born worthy and you will always be worthy. The very fact that you are alive makes you worthy.
You have everything within you to create all of these feelings and to create the life you dream of and more. Your body already has the ability to heal itself. You are not broken.
So what is holding you back?
Trauma, memories, supressed emotions, and the limiting beliefs and fear they create.
The subconscious mind is where we hold information on our fears, memories, desires, past traumas, and beliefs. This includes the limiting beliefs that control us, and we all have limiting beliefs. We are mostly not consciously aware of them because they are stored in our subconscious mind.
Examples of limiting beliefs we may hold are;
I’m not good enough, I’m not attractive enough, I’m not smart enough, I don’t have the confidence to do this or that, I don’t deserve x or y, I am a failure, I deserve to be treated badly, I can’t trust anyone, I will never reach my goals, I’ll never be wealthy because….
The subconscious mind is VERY powerful, and it controls about 95% of our thoughts, and therefore we are consciously aware of only about 5% of all the “stuff” going on in our mind.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate’ Carl Jung
Sometimes all you need is support to allow your body to heal itself. Support and space to be heard and seen and to give your body a voice. A voice to tell you what and where there are suppressed emotions, stored trauma, memories and limiting beliefs and a voice to ask for what it needs to release these in order to heal itself.
If you feel aligned with kinesiology as a tool that can help you and you feel that I am the right person to support you, I would be honoured to hold space for you, to support you and to facilitate your self-healing.
I have created a beautiful, safe space for my clients to allow them be vulnerable and to fully express themselves. It is important to me that my clients trust me and feel heard, nurtured and supported in their healing.
If you feel called, you can book your initial appointment below.
If you still have questions you can book a complimentary discovery call below.

About Natasha

I am passionate about natural therapies and I truly want to help people, to inspire and empower them to reach their full potential in life. The results Kinesiology can bring are truly amazing and life changing. It gives me so much joy to share the gift of Kinesiology with others.
I have always been drawn to holistic health and understand the importance of looking at the mind, body and spirit, not just treating the symptom that is presenting. Kinesiology allows us to determine the root cause of the issue and how the body would like to address it.
It is an absolute honour to hold space for my clients and allow their bodies to “speak”. Your symptoms express themselves uniquely through kinesiology allowing your body to verbalise what it needs to tell you.
My home clinic is a space where you are safe to share yourself, be vulnerable and speak openly and honestly about what is concerning you. There is no judgement.
I also have qualifications as a Master NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner, Life Coach and Genome Healing Practitioner. I use techniques from these modalities to assist in my Kinesiology balances where required – including a very powerful trauma release process that combines Kinesiology, NLP and Genome Healing.
On a more personal level, I have a deep love for water (ocean, swimming, kayaking, anything on or in the water) and I was a scuba diver for years (it must be time I went for another dive!). I also love to learn (I’m a sucker for a personal development/healing course or workshop). I love to move my body with embodied dance. I love to try new things and experience more from life.

About Kinesiology
Kinesiology is a natural therapy that uses muscle testing to identify and correct imbalances in the mind, body and spirit.
Muscle testing allows us to uncover the root cause of any imbalance and identify what is needed to restore balance and harmony.
Every Kinesiology session is unique as we follow the guidance of the subconscious mind and higher self through muscle testing.
Our bodies have an innate healing ability – we are ALL born with the power to heal ourselves. What an incredible gift! Kinesiology gives the body a voice, through muscle testing, to identify blocks and stress within the body. It also allows the body to identify how equilibrium can be restored to allow healing to occur. The body’s natural response is the desire to restore equilibrium when it is lost.

Client Testimonials
“I could not recommend Natasha highly enough! The time and dedication that she selflessly commits to your personal health is a rare gift to find. A warm soul with a passion for kinesiology and with much life experience and natural counselling skills, Natasha makes a wonderful confidant, mentor and kinesiologist. As such Natasha offers a wonderful, supportive healing environment. Natasha’s finesse to refine the key elements of each treatments’ dialogue is testament to her passion of kinesiology and the positive results each treatment has brought, and quite surprisingly also extinguishing some very imprinted behaviour patterns! Kinesiology with Natasha has been an amazing journey so far, resulting in positive shifts, some being profoundly large shifts of improvement. Together the treatments, a kaleidoscope of pure enhancement to my wellbeing. Until soon, with much gratitude, thank you Natasha!” Karin