Kinesiology Sessions

How Kinesiology Helps

Kinesiology can assist with a variety of physical, emotional and spiritual concerns.

  • Releasing your unconscious limiting beliefs and 
  • Reprogramming patterns
  • Regulating the nervous system (flight or fight response)
  • Feeling calmer
  • Thinking more clearly
  • Releasing physical pain
  • Experiencing more joy
  • Increased confidence
  • More energy
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved decision making ability
  • Living in the present moment more often
  • Creating better connection with yourself & others
  • Feeling more connected to your intuition
  • Headaches & Migraines
  • Living a life more aligned to your values
  • Releasing Stress
  • Releasing Anxiety
  • Clearing past trauma
  • Increased self compassion
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Self Confidence
  • Grief and Loss
  • Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress (PTSD)
  • Memory issues
  • Structural pain and mobility issues
  • Sleep disorders & Insomnia
  • Pain Management

How many Kinesiology appointments will I need?

While Kinesiology can seem like magic at times because the information uncovered through muscle testing can be mind blowing.

The life changes that come from Kinesiology may also seem to happen like magic.

Despite this seemingly magical experience, I don’t have a wand to fix all of your problems overnight. 

I wish I did!

Sometimes a significant challenge that you have been experiencing may be solved in one or two sessions but that’s not always the case. Everyone is unique and every challenge is different. Sometimes there are many layers to work through which may take a few sessions. The fastest results come when you are truly and completely ready to release the blocks.

Kinesiology uncovers unconscious limiting beliefs and issues and brings them to our awareness to heal and release them. 

If you want to change your life then you need to address these beliefs and issues which may have been suppressed or denied for many years. This can take time. 

To quote Carl Jung -“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”.

Do you want to let “fate” direct your life? 

Or would you like to release your unconscious limiting beliefs and patterns that do not serve you and create a life aligned to your divine potential?  

The choice is yours.

Ready to Get Started?

Book your appointment online at a time that suits you.

About Stress

When we are stressed a hormone called cortisol is released by the adrenal glands. When we are under constant stress cortisol levels can become excessive and can derail the body’s most important functions.  Cortisol release causes increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, increased blood glucose and muscle tension. It can also temporarily shut down systems that aren’t needed in times of crisis, such as digestion and reproduction. 

This is the body’s way of preparing itself for potentially dangerous or harmful situations. Once the perceived threat passes the hormone levels return to normal. However, if you’re under constant stress this response doesn’t always turn off.  Long term high levels of cortisol can lead to a number of health problems including; headaches, sleep issues, weight gain, memory or concentration problems, digestive issues, heart disease, anxiety and depression. 

Kinesiology techniques can be used to reduce stress in the body and also assist the body to regulate its own cortisol levels back to optimal level

Sad african-american woman on couch at home

Survival Stress

Most people in today’s society have what we call Survival Stress due to long term stress and trauma.Survival stress occurs when there is a perceived threat to our survival and there is a subconscious activation of a survival response by the part of the brain called the amygdala. There are a number of possible survival responses including fight, flight, freeze and escape. PTSD and panic disorders are linked to inappropriate activation of survival responses.

Using Kinesiology (through muscle monitoring) we can look at the secondary brain structures (amygdala, thalamus, hypothalamus, periaqueductal grey matter, cerebellum) and determine which of these areas are showing survival stress and also the type of survival stress (eg flight, fight, escape, blocked pleasure and more). We then support the body to clear this stress.

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