What is Kinesiology?


Our bodies have an innate healing ability – we are ALL born with the power to heal ourselves. What an incredible gift! Kinesiology gives the body a voice, through muscle testing, to identify blocks and stress within the body. It also allows the body to identify how equilibrium can be restored to allow healing to occur. The body’s natural response is the desire to restore equilibrium when it is lost.

Kinesiology is a natural therapy that uses muscle testing to identify and correct imbalances in the mind, body and spirit.
Every Kinesiology session is unique as we follow the guidance of the subconscious mind and higher self through muscle testing.
Muscle testing allows us to uncover the root cause of any imbalance and identify what is needed to restore balance and harmony.
The subconscious mind is where we hold information on our fears, memories, desires, past traumas, and beliefs. This includes the limiting beliefs that drive us, and we all have limiting beliefs. We are mostly not consciously aware of them because they are stored in our subconscious mind.
Examples of limiting beliefs we may hold are;
I’m not good enough, I’m not attractive enough, I don’t have the confidence to do this or that, I’m not smart enough, I don’t deserve x, y or z, I am a failure, I deserve to be treated badly, I can’t trust anyone, I will never reach my goals, I’ll never have enough money……any of these sound familiar?
The subconscious mind is VERY powerful, and it controls about 95% of our thoughts, and therefore we are consciously aware of only about 5% of all the “stuff” going on in our mind.
Kinesiology allows us to identify, release and reprogram these beliefs, clear past trauma, reprogram patterns that are no longer serving us, release fear and anxiety, release suppressed emotions and clear any other blocks that are preventing us from achieving our highest, divine potential.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate” Carl Jung
Kinesiologists do not diagnose, treat, prescribe or cure symptoms, stress or disease, we are simply raising consciousness to your greatest potential to allow your energy to flow through your entire body which enables your body to activate healing on all levels – healing and thriving are your innate nature.
Can you imagine yourself feeling completely grounded and at peace, being fully present and finding joy in everyday moments?Can you imagine feeling deeply connected to yourself, comfortable in your body and loving all of the parts of yourself exactly as you are?
Can you imagine feeling deeply connected to others – in your friendships, in your relationship, with your family, and being fully present with your loved ones, feeling completely loved and accepted and loving and accepting in return?
Can you imagine being authentically yourself in every moment, expressing yourself freely and openly, feeling seen, heard and understood and feeling a deep sense of belonging?
Can you imagine being able to feel proud of yourself for everything you have achieved and every obstacle you have overcome?
Can you imagine feeling a deep sense of purpose in your life?
Can you imagine feeling strong, capable and able to face every challenge as an opportunity to grow and learn?
You may already have some or all of this in your life. All of this is possible for you, you just need to take the first step. No one can do that for you.
The bad news is that no one is going to “save” you.
The good news is that you don’t need them to.
You have everything you need to thrive, and its OK to ask for support to do that.
I would love to support you to become the most authentic, divine version of yourself.

What is Muscle Testing?

Muscle testing is the primary tool used in Kinesiology. It is a process which uses muscle feedback to access information about what is going on inside the client’s body. Muscle testing is also used to determine the body’s preference for correction to bring the body back into balance. All muscles are connected to the brain through the body’s central nervous system. The brain is in continuous communication with every part of our body so when we muscle monitor we are using the electrical pathways/signals as a biofeedback mechanism
In order to muscle test, a limb (often the arm) is placed so that one of its muscles is in a contracted position and the Kinesiologist then applies gentle pressure to that muscle.
The muscle will react in one of two ways – it will either remain contracted or it will unlock. These responses give the Kinesiologist feedback about the client’s body or the correction it requires.

Client Testimonials
“I can’t recommend Tash highly enough. I’ve worked with a variety of holistic practitioners including other kinesiologists, however, Tash managed to help me unlike anyone else. Tash has a gift and she shares it in such a genuine, realistic, grounded and caring way. Tash has guided me through some major transformational shifts, and I’m now functioning in a more strong and independent capacity. Tash has helped me bring myself back to me, healing past traumas embedded in my body. Forever grateful to have come across her. She’s changed my life.”